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Residents Helicopter Travel Club Renew

Please fill in the application form below to renew your membership for the coming year.

Alternatively, you can download our PDF form here.
Please return your completed form by email
Or by post to: Penzance Helicopters, Jelbert Way, Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 3FL.

If you would like to request a new application (rather than renewing an existing membership) please complete our new members application form here.

Please attach proof of residency in the form of a recent utility bill. Proof can be submitted via this website application form or by sending to the Reservations Team in Penzance (
Renewal Applications require you to submit a copy of a utility bill dated within 3 months of renewal date.
Copy of Utility bill dated within 3 months of renewal date
*Membership Types - Adult (12+) | Child (2-11) | Infant (0-2)
TitleNameDOBMember Type*Travel Club No.Contact number 
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